Our Counseling Courses are designed to give you lifelong learning skills that advance your personal, academic, and career goals. Our courses will help you develop the self awareness and self reliance necessary for success in education and other life activities.
Available Courses
COUN 10 INTRODUCTION TO COLLEGE (1 unit): Orientation to the structures of higher education. Exposure to college resources
and educational planning. Introduction to matriculation rights and responsibilities
Transfer: CSU
COUN 11 LEARNING STRATEGIES AND COLLEGE SKILLS DEVELOPMENT (1 unit): Analysis of college success factors and learning styles of student achievement. Development
of strategies for success in educational and work environments. Organizing tasks involved
when studying and tools to do it Transfer: CSU
COUN 12 PERSONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT (3 units): A comprehensive course that integrates personal and professional growth development
through the development of effective communication skills, positive self-image and
self-esteem, and strategies for problem solving and decision making. Analysis of life
course events, such as the development of career and educational objectives. Emphasis
is on personal health assessment and strategies for coping with stress Transfer: CSU;
COUN 17 CAREER PLANNING (2 units): Career research and planning using assessments of interest, values, skills, and temperament.
Exploration of job duties and educational/training requirements Transfer: CSU
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